'You only work in a shop you know. You can drop the attitude." EDINA MONSOON

Monday, 30 May 2011


I'd heard some good stuffs about the Chatsworth Road Market, which is held every Sunday, on surprisingly, Chatsworth Road in Clapton. So with a fresh twenty pound note in my purse, off I went to peruse the vintage treasures, crafty bits and bobs, and stuff my face with the homemade goodies which were on offer.

The amount of stalls was slightly underwhelming, and I felt the selection of goods was a little uninspiring and I was a bit disappointed when I arrived - maybe I got there too late (the market runs 11-4pm, and I arrived just after 2.30pm).

 I think after working in vintage, and spending almost every spare second absorbed by some aspect of vintage I've become a little bit jaded by it all, as I felt completely indifferent to what vintage bric-a-brac and clothing wwhich as on offer. But maybe that's me just being a cynical vintage wench...

HOWEVER... There were a few stalls I found genuinely interesting, such as Benjamin's Butterflies, a selection of darling glass pendants filled with butterfly wings (actually sounds a bit sinister when explained, but they really were cool). 

Chatsworth Road itself is the paradoxical mixture of pound shops, chicken shops with the odd sporadic middle class bohemian coffee shop or boutique thrown in, which I have come to expect as the norm in places like Hackney and Hoxton. It feels like there is a potential for a Broadway Market type affair- infact, after speaking with some of the stall holders, I learnt some of them actually sell there too.

For now, it makes a nice change from the ever increasing crap which seems to have sprung up on Brick Lane market, and it was nice actually being able to actually interact with the stall holders and amble along at a leisurely Sunday pace rather than being shoved and elbowed around, again, like at Brick Lane market. I think it's great that they are obviously trying to create a sense of community in an area which undoubtably has its cracks, but probably gets a worse press than deserved.

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